In October 2013, the BBC presented a feature on walking the line of the Paris Petite Ceinture (“Little Belt”), a historical but now defunct railway route skirting the edge of the city centre. The feature, on its News Magazine Web site, was titled “The wild abandoned railway in the centre of Paris” and included a fascinating short video.
Tag: Railway Line
HS2 rail line, China and £11.8bn contracts
24 September, 2015: BBC News reported on George Osborne’s recent visit to China, where he urged Chinese firms to pitch for £11.8bn in construction contracts for the UK’s proposed HS2 rail line. On the same day, The Guardian reported that Osborne intends to invite competition for bids at an event in Chengdu; to encourage Chinese investors to back, as appears to be suggested by the BBC HS2 article, other major UK rail infrastructure projects, particularly across the north of England.
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The World’s fastest Railway Locomotive
Railway history has demonstrated the corporate fascination with speed and the development of high-speed networks across Europe, including the proposed HS2 addition to HS1 in Britain, illustrate a prevailing theme. One interesting question – which is the world’s fastest railway locomotive?
Live SBB Trains Map – Swiss Railway System
The Swiss Railway (SBB) system is one of the most intensive in the world and it used to be possible to view a real-time Live Trains Map of the SBB, complete with train identification and train search functionality? Unfortunately, as you will by now have found, it longer seems to be offered; indeed the web site is apparently up for sale (as at October 2015). The map used to look like the image shown below.
However, all is not lost, as an alternative is out there – to provide Swiss fans an opportunity to “watch” local, regional and inter city/national trains busily making their way across the country.
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