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Third Normal Form (3NF)

Aim: remove non-key attributes that are dependant on other non-key attributes.

3NF Rule 1:

All data must be in 2NF. 

3NF Rule 2: Remove NON-KEY attributes from the master table, that are dependant on other NON-KEY  attributes.  Form a new detail table, giving it a suitable key. Retain a copy of this key, in the originating table, to  act as a table link.
Below is the Second Normal Form model from the previous 2NF page:

Normalised Table Image

As the data model is in 2NF then it complies with Rule 1.

So now we need to examine each table to see if all the attributes comply with the Rule 2. Lets start with the CAR table.
As the CURRENT MILEAGE & NEXT SERVICE MILEAGE are specific to the individual car; then they must depend on the REGNO key. And hence are in 3NF already and can therefore be discounted.

So that leaves the MAKE, MODEL & UNIT PRICE attributes: is MAKE dependent on MODEL? Ask yourself this question; if you know the MAKE, do you uniquely know the MODEL. Well no, because 1 MAKE can have many MODELS. Just as car manufacturers make many different models of car. However, if you know the MODEL then you can uniquely identify the MAKE. This means that MAKE is dependent on MODEL and hence MAKE should be removed from the CAR table and put in a new table. Does it seem logical then, to make MODEL the key to this new table?
Yes, because by continually going back over the Normalisation Rules we find an answer:
2NF Rule 2a states: Every non-key attribute must be fully dependent on the (entire) primary key.
So it is correct to create a new MODEL table and have MAKE as an attribute
& have MODEL as the linking key to CAR.

The looking back over the previous Normalisation Rules used, to find clues and hence answers to logical questions is a fundamental concept. If you wish to Normalise data correctly in industry - this must be done on as ongoing process. During 2NF refer back to 1NF Rules; During 3NF (as here) refer back to 3NF Rules etc.

So the remaining non-key attribute in the CAR table is UNIT PRICE PER DAY. Does this hire charge apply to individual cars or to cars, grouped by model? It would seem logical that Norm would charge the same price for a hire car model, because; each model will cost the same for Norm to buy and run & customers will not expect to be charged more for a 2002 hire car, just because it is newer than the 2001 one, even though they are the same model and hence specification.

So here is another business orientated question - constant feedback from a client is an important consideration to database designers & developers, just as it is for any IT developer. Remember that a database is a business tool, not just a load of interfaces and table code. As stated before; if a database isn't usable, then it won't be used!

Back to the Normalisation: as UNIT PRICE PER DAY is dependent on MODEL then it too should be added to the new MODEL table as an attribute. Version one of the 3NF data model is shown below.

Normalised Table Image

So let us examine the remaining 5 tables: looking for non-key attributes dependent on other non-key attributes.
Does SERVICING have any? No, because SERVICE MILEAGE & SERVICE DATE are dependent on SERVICE DATE, which is a key attribute, so the SERVICING table is in 3NF. As PARTS does not have any non-key attributes; it too is in 3NF. Both GARAGE & PART have non-key attributes, but they are both dependent on their keys - this key dependency was part of the 2NF considerations. That only leaves RENTAL to be transformed to 3NF and the Normalisation of this data set is complete!

Look closely at RENTAL and then compare it with the previous data model, you should see there is a part of the data set missing! What about the customers?
As RENTAL had a detail table; CUST in the first Normalisation example; this should now be joined to the MAINTENANCE data we have been examining for the past few pages. The process of adding previous tables from other Normalisation exercises is often referred to as consolidation.

The consolidated data model of the combined RENTALS and MAINTENANCE departments, for Norm's Car Rentals is below.

Normalised Table Image

This data set is now Normalised and it would be easy to implement; using any relational database software package.
Next follows some more detail about advanced Normalisation theory and techniques for your information -  
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